I haven’t tasted one for a year




“告诉他,”我认为,握住马头,“我认为仅仅是熟人窥探我的私事就是一种无礼的行为,不管是任何人的事情,而是我自己的事情,格里格斯先生,只有几只家禽或一大群家养动物?告诉他,我永远不会想着问你一年有多少黄油和蛋箱,或者如果你的利润超过了100W箱子的佣金, “


“I have no fancy for the country, as you know, my dear Marion,” wrote Aunt Sophy, in conclusion, “but your description of Waydean makes me long to accept your invitation. When I heard that Henry had rented a farm I thought you must be simply crazy to let him do it, but your letter has reassured me. Of course, if he has quite determined not to go to any expense in the expectation of making money out of the land, and if you both want to live there, it is a different thing. I think it is a splendid idea not to work any more land than he can attend to with a spade, a rake and a hoe. Take my advice, Marion, and keep him to that—no matter what arguments he may use—and you will be perfectly safe. If your poor uncle had only been guided by my advice, or if I had been[Pg 90] less easily swayed by his hopefulness, I would have had more than a pittance to live on now. But no,—it was buy this, and buy that, till….

“How lovely it must be to have your own milk and butter and cream and fruit, and, above all, to know that they’re clean! And the chickens! Do you know, I can’t touch chickens in the city; I am so disgusted at the thought of how they may be fed,—and yet I am just longing for a taste of plump, clean, … grain-fed elyze——”

Marion’s voice wavered; she stopped reading. I uttered a prolonged whistle, then laughed in a hollow mirthless tone that brought a responsive gleam to Marion’s worried face. She left the breakfast table and looked anxiously out of the window at the back of the room, then sat down again with a sigh of thankfulness.

“What a mercy Paul wasn’t within hearing,” she said; “how he would have howled!”

我去了窗户。保罗被我们的二十七只羊群包围,有五只母鸡和五只母鸡。一方面他拿着他的小锡桶,另一方面依次分别处理一粒粮食,名义上叫家禽,责备那些试图抢夺他人份额的人。“耶利米,这是你的 – 跟诺迪阿姨一起,”我听他说,哄着。

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